Hello, Leviticus!

The Old Testament book of Leviticus is like the proverbial crazy uncle that gets hidden away in the basement. The book is so old and seems so primitive, its mostly ignored. Yet there it is in the Bible, taunting us, sometimes scaring us. What should we make of it? This week we launch a new […]

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

What does God want from you and me? Why are we here? What should we be doing with our lives? This week we’ll conclude our “Journeying With Jesus” series by looking at two critical parting instructions Jesus gave us at the end of his earthly ministry. If you wanna simplify your life and refocus on […]

The Most Important Thing We Never Talk About

There is a major experience in life that every one of us eventually faces, but nobody ever talks about, especially in church. It’s taboo. But this Sunday we’re gonna talk about it – and let Jesus be our guide for how to approach it.

Pushed To The Limit

Life is constantly testing us in ways large and small.  When the going gets really tough, how well do you do?  This week we’re going to study the trial of Jesus and learn from him several powerful ways to respond when life pushes us to the limits.