Boxed In

God has allocated a finite amount of time, talent, money, and energy to each of us. We can’t do everything, so we have to make choices. Are you making the most of the choices you have?

Suddenly Angels

Remember how you could hardly wait for Christmas was when you were a kid? But we’re not kids anymore. We’re older, rational, skeptical. We’ve been around the block a few times. Is there any reason why we should be excited at Christmas?

What Do We Have To Be Grateful For?

Scripture tells us to give thanks in all situations. So, how do we do that? Why should we do that? This sermon looks at a lesson we learn from 10 lepers. It’s a familiar story, in which they are all healed — yet only one expressed his gratitude. What he received was much more than […]

This I Believe

When your world is spinning out of control — what do you hold on to? Underneath the layers of what we’ve been told to believe and what we “ought” to believe, what sustains you? Pastor Tammy shares a bit of her heart with us in this sermon.

Knowing Peace In A Stressful World

What causes the greatest stress in your life? It’s probably something you can’t eliminate, right? Family, job, finances — they’re all essential and can be wonderful, but they also can cause extreme stress. How do we manage that balancing act? Listen for a service that will lift you up!

Living the Questions

Last week, we looked at the dialogue between Jesus and Peter after Peter’s betrayal and Jesus’ resurrection. This week, we go deeper. Just like Peter, we’re on a halting journey of spiritual progress. And God wants to have a conversation with you and me, just like Jesus had with Peter. It’s a conversation about what’s […]

Finding Yourself

This sermon looks at the fifth of Five Key Spiritual Habits: discovering and using our spiritual gifts. According to scripture, God has supernaturally equipped you — not someone else, but you — to do something really important in God’s work here on earth. Take a look at who you are and why God has put […]

Last Comic Standing

If you’re like most of us, you probably have a stash of unfinished projects. Maybe it’s a drawer, or a closet, or even a garage full! What about spiritual “projects”? Have any of those that are unfinished? What area of growth has God called you to, that you just haven’t gotten around to finishing? In […]

Born Into Great Wealth

This sermon looks at what Jesus had to say about those who are wealthy — and if you’re reading this, that most likely includes you. Jesus had a lot to say about the wealthy and their wealth. It’s deep, sobering, and ultimately liberating.