Making Myself Weak

Lots of people have strong religious opinions and aren’t bashful about telling others what they should believe. Is this really how God wants us to be? This sermon explores scripture passages that recommend a counter-intuitive approach to handling our religious differences.

Sacred Pause

Life comes at us quickly! No time to think! So we tend to operate on automatic pilot, allowing events to sweep us along. But here we are at the turn of a New Year — a great time to stop, think, evaluate, and plan. Create a little time in your schedule to pause, worship, hear […]

All Out?

Many of us tend to be idealists, romantics even. We find a new church and it seems so wonderful, and we’re convinced we’ve found the perfect spiritual family. Then something bad happens and we’re shattered and push away. Alone again. . . . But it doesn’t have to be like that. This sermon looks at […]

All In?

Most of us are introverted. Most of us are cautious. Most of us are really reluctant to open ourselves to church community. “What if something goes wrong? What if I get hurt? What they want more from me than I can give?” So we go it alone and end up spiritually anemic. This sermon takes […]

Simon Says

What if someone who encountered Jesus in the flesh, nearly 2000 years ago, was able to be transported into our world today to tell us about it? What could we learn from that? In a rare instance of time travel, Simon the Pharisee visits LifeJourney Church today. Simon will share with us his own encounters […]

Saved to What?

This sermon explores that most loaded of Christian words — salvation. You’ve probably heard a preacher say (or shout), “If you died right now do you know for sure you would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell?” Is that even the right question? Maybe we could ask, “In your life right […]

Generational Bondage

How does your family’s past affect you today? That’s a huge question — scary even! For most of us, it’s a mixed bag. We carry both blessings and wounds from our upbringing. As we wrap up our sermon series on “The Inferior Kings of Israel and Judah”, we’ll take a look at how dysfunctions accumulated […]

Why Bother?

Remember when you were growing up and your mother would say, “I work so hard to keep this house clean, but then you kids just come along and mess it up. I don’t know why I bother!” Every one of us has experienced that same feeling. We work really hard to build something, only for […]

Reduced To Tears

At some point, it happens to us all, or someone we love — that time when the doctor sighs and says, “I’m sorry, but. . . .” When that time comes, when our health begins to fail, when some chronic disease is diagnosed, how should we respond? Next week (really, we mean it this time!) […]

How Change Happens

This sermon explores a story of remarkable change buried deep in the Old Testament. The story tells how a group of people determined to exact revenge underwent a complete change of heart and ended up tending to the needs to their former enemies. What caused such a remarkable transformation? And how can we learn to […]

Unremarkably Remarkable

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame? Probably not — most of us never will. We live; we die, and this great big world barely even notices. This sermon looks at someone in the Bible who lived like us — obscure, anything but famous. Yet, in God’s eyes, he lived very well. From his […]

They Did What?!

We’re exploring one of those Bible stories that makes you cringe, but also makes you think deeply about important questions like: Are all religions created equal? And, if not, what should we do about it? Today’s scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:1-8 Download the Soul Care Plan and Self-Assessment Inventory. Download the Weekly News. Watch the webcast. […]

Dark Shadows

We have good intentions about a consistent prayer life. Then life happens. Time gets squeezed. We think we have things under control on our own. But do we really? Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Download the Soul Care Plan and Self-Assessment Inventory. Download the Weekly News. Watch the webcast. Use the player below to listen […]