The Problem With Positive Thinking

These days everybody’s talking about “the power of positive thinking.”  But not so fast!  Did you know that “positive thinking” has some serious pitfalls.  This week, we’ll look at both Scriptures and psychological studies that challenge us to take a modified approach that promises to yield much better results!  Join us Sunday, as we resume our sermon series on “Mastering Your Mind.”

Listening With The Heart

When you’re talking to someone, have you ever felt like they were already preparing their “rebuttal” before you’d even had a chance to share your heart?  It happens all the time.  And, if we’re honest, we do it to others too.  Thus Sunday, we’re going to explore the spiritual virtue of listening, and have a chance to practice what is preached by listening to some painful stories from our brothers and sisters ripped right out of recent headline news.

Harnessing The Power Of My Brain

For the past two weeks, we’ve talked about the power of our brains to shape our lives for better or worse.  We’ve talked about the biology of the brain.  We’ve talked about “negative strongholds of the mind” that drag us down.  This week, we’re going to talk about three positive practical strategies for tearing down “negative strongholds of the mind” and transforming our brains into spiritual powerhouses. 

The Thing In Your Brain That Holds You Back

You know what it is, right?  We can all name something, maybe several things.  It’s so easy to develop entrenched negative thought patterns that constantly undermine us.  So we’re ushering in the New Year with a sermon series called “Mastering Your Mind.”  Join us to discover powerful, positive spiritual principles that can free your mind to soar to new heights.

Positioning Myself For Success In 2015

This Sunday we will launch into a new sermon series called “Mastering Your Mind.”  We’ll look at some fascinating scientific research that confirms what the Bible teaches about how we can best equip our brains to respond to life in deeply spiritual ways.  Did you know that there are certain key things you can do right now to greatly increase the likelihood that you will respond well to future stressful situations?  Knowledge is power.  Equip yourself for success!


Have you ever thought about how much of your life you spend waiting?  Have you ever wondered why God has structured life that way?  For answers, this Sunday we’ll look at some important clues found in the Biblical Christmas story.

The Promise Of A Child

This Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a mini-series of sermons on Christmas, leading up to our Christmas musical extravaganza on Sunday December 21. This week we will delve into the deepest and most practical meaning of Christmas for us today — a meaning you may have never considered before.

Crossing Over

There is a huge difference between knowing God and experiencing God.  This week we will look at a story in the Book of Joshua that reminds us how our spiritual ancestors experienced God, and how their powerful story can help us to open ourselves more fully to God in our lives today.   


As Thanksgiving approaches, we’ll hear lot’s of superficial statements about the importance of giving thanks.  On Sunday, we’re going to cut through all that superficial stuff, and get right down to the core of why a thankful life is a powerful life.  Don’t miss this chance to strengthen your soul. 

Get On Up!

This week is the grand finale in our sermon series on “the genius of the early Christians.”  We’ll study a story that beautifully captures the secret to the great power exhibited by the early Christians – a power that is still available to you and me today.

All About Angels

Do you believe in angels?  This Sunday we’ll explore an angel story from the early Christian experience and consider:  What should a thoughtful person 21st century person believe about angels?  And why should I care?

Turning Point

Have you ever had one of those moments where God revealed something to you, and you’ve never been the same since?  This Sunday we’re going to look at a story like that from the experience of the early Christians, and in the process, learn some vital lessons about what it means to have the courage to live as an authentic follower of Jesus.

Work/Life Balance

It’s not unusual to hear sermons about all the things God wants us to do.  But have you ever heard a sermon about all the things God wants us to enjoy?  You will this Sunday, as we continue exploring what it means to “Live in the Spirit.”  Don’t miss this opportunity to evaluate your own work/life balance.