Fantastic Feats

For the next few weeks, we’ll look at scriptures related to the Building Blocks, which are spiritual practices we can adapt and use to “practice the presence of Christ.” Read more info about the blocks, or download the 2011 Soul Care Plan. Today’s Block is “S”, for service.

Today’s scripture: John 13:1-17 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Mark Shoup):

Ewwwww! Dirty disciple feet!

Jesus probably wasn’t thinking those thoughts as he modeled service and servanthood to the apostles, but that’s all I could think about when we would have a “foot washing service” at the church I grew up in.

But like so many things that Jesus said or did, the greater importance was in the meaning behind the actions. And if you, like me, are going through a foot washing service and hating every minute of it, you have missed the point entirely.

The point is service. The point is putting someone else’s needs and welfare ahead of your own. I think God would rather I offer sincere service just once than go through the ritual of washing the feet of 1,000 people. It’s about doing something good for someone anonymously, or helping someone without any expectation of remuneration. Washing feet is great, if someone needs their feet washed, but that isn’t the end of it — in fact, it’s just the beginning; it’s just the example.

Clearing the snow from the neighbor’s walk is feet washing. Driving someone to a doctor’s appointment is feet washing. Even helping someone change a flat tire is a form of feet washing. Any time you put yourself in a position of humble service to one of God’s children, you are carrying out the spirit of feet washing and what Jesus was trying to model.

But why is this so important? Besides the obvious moral discipline of helping others, performing service in this way helps us to understand our position as humble servants of God. In fact, Jesus even says “when you do this for each other, you are actually doing it for Me” [my paraphrase].

Thought for the day: God, show me whose feet I should be washing, and what form it should take.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.