The Lost and Found

Today’s scripture: Luke 2:1-7 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Check out this strange, but true story.


Shopping Family Leaves Baby Behind
By Associated Press

MIDLAND, Texas – A 3-month-old baby was left unattended in a shopping cart for about an hour Sunday when her parents accidentally left her behind, police said. Shoppers noticed the abandoned baby at a Toys “R” Us store, Midland police Sgt. Alfredo Grimaldo said.

“It was a misunderstanding among family members,” Grimaldo said in Monday editions of the Midland Reporter-Telegram. “One man took the kids home and left the ladies to shop. But when he took the kids, he didn’t take the baby from the cart.”

The family members, who were traveling in different cars, didn’t realize what happened until they all got home and nobody had the baby, he said.

“We don’t think it was really a child abandonment issue. It was just a misunderstanding,” Grimaldo said.


At first read, I wondered how anyone could “forget” their baby! But upon a bit of further reflection, I know exactly how they could forget! They were flying through the store getting all the bargains they needed. I’m sure they were in a major hurry to get home and sort and wrap presents. There were cookies that needed baking and stockings to be hung — and the tree wasn’t going to decorate itself! On and on the list of Christmas stuff goes.

I sometimes get busy enough with Christmas stuff that I too forget the baby — I forget why we celebrate. Two thousand or so years ago there was no room for Jesus, so he was born in a barn. This Christmas I must make room for Jesus! This Christmas I must put down the to-do list and remember where I’ve left Jesus.

But what about next week — or next month? Even when we get caught up in Christmas busy-ness, there are often reminders this time of year to not “forget the baby” — special church services, or devotionals like this one, or even Linus’ telling of the Christmas story on A Charlie Brown Christmas.

But when Christmas is over and the tinsel is all packed up, what will I do to remember Jesus each day?

Thought for the day: What can I do to not “forget the baby” this Christmas — and every day?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.