The Grass Isn’t Always Greener…

Today’s scripture: Philippians 4:11-13 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Morgan Stewart):

Growing up, I used to envy kids with older brothers who played sports. They not only knew all the complicated rules of football and other sports, but always had really neat athletic jerseys to wear as hand-me-downs. Additionally, they were generally athletic themselves.

With no older brothers and a first-generation immigrant for a dad, I was raised to appreciate classical music instead of kick-off returns and touchdowns. Over the years, my parents paid literally thousands of dollars to fund musical instruments and lessons for me and my siblings. Today, while no one in my family excels at sports, we kids all play two musical instruments each and two of my siblings went on to earn music scholarships.

My “envy” spot these days is working mothers who successfully balance family life and career — all while remaining grounded and nurtured in faith. The epitome of such is my young friend Beth, corporate director of a Fortune 500 company and mother of three. At age 36, she seems to be a woman who has it all — an MBA, a six-figure salary, a beautiful home and family including a live-in nanny to help with her young children. She’s even a gourmet cook! What a life!

Are those we envy really better off? Probably not. I was somewhat aghast when Beth recently confided that her marriage was on the rocks and her company had been bought out, meaning her job was in serious jeopardy. Could it be true? Can there really be such trouble in paradise?

The painful point is we must realize that no one has a perfect life. Our perceptions of others’ lives and their actual realities are undoubtedly quite different. Rather than long for another’s life, celebrate what God has given to you alone — whether that’s much, or just a little.

Thought for the day: Be content with what you have — and leave the rest to God.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.