
Today’s scripture: Psalm 131 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Terri Brown):

Again I encounter David in my quiet time and welcome the manner in which this writer of so many psalms inspires me. This passage has particular meaning as I consider my current circumstances and, as often is the case, relate to David who appears passionate about his desire to love and serve God but recognizes himself as privileged while feeling undeserving. I am respectful of my responsibilities as a Christian and feel my subservient sense of duty as accepting; but I also feel a need to address my more liberal viewpoints of justice, equality, and feminism as stumbling blocks to my undertakings.

David in his humble manner addresses the temptations of his life, including being appointed king but awaiting his role, as he states, “I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content” (Psalm 131:2; NIV).

This portrays the innocent and trusting approach David took to believing in God’s plan for him and embracing the unknown; not with questions but with songs of praise, moments of contentment, and a thirst for fulfillment. I am reminded how impatient I have been and how narrow-minded I allow myself to become at times when crossing the paths of others who are not like-minded and who have not been exposed to some of the more enlightening experiences which I have had.

Thus Psalm 131 helps me to reach a point of discernment as David guides me in refocusing and positioning my perspective in the eyes of a child. David writes, “My eyes are not lofty.” I am reminded how in moments of disdain I catch myself looking down on others. I turn and pray to God, asking for help in changing my attitude. Who am I to feel superior to another or to look at someone as less worthy than me?

Sometimes, I read posts on Facebook and I wonder how I can be friends when they write negatively about some cause or appear intolerant or partial. Instead I should be grateful for where God has put me on the path of life and how my perspective has actually helped open the eyes of others by my simply being or representing who I am without making waves. My subservience has paid off because I serve a purpose and God has revealed some of that plan to me.

I can look back over the years and see where I have been and how I have transformed just by being who I am. I did not need to speak loudly to help create change. I have experienced hatred, prejudice, injustice, discrimination, bigotry, manipulation, exploitation, cruelty, and neglect at the hands of others. But as a child, young adult, or unsuspecting member of a group, I withstood the maltreatment and would come to be noticed as someone who changed the viewpoint of others by my tolerance and broadmindedness.

This recent Facebook post is well timed: “Even though you have accepted what Jesus has done for you, there still may be areas of your life or ways you think or act that need to change. Because the nature of God lives in you, you can be confident that everything that needs to change will change as you trust in [God]” (Joyce Meyer).

Thought for the day: Today I am content in knowing that God has a plan for me; and I use my trust in God to change and grow. What are you accepting from God today?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.