Today’s scripture: Luke 12: 8-12 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)
As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.
My thoughts (Tom Chittenden):
No doubt, we’ve all found ourselves in some form of confrontation, whether it’s with a friend, family member or that special relationship. In the exchange of thoughts (manifesting as “words”) without warning or even a conscious thought, your words hit the air and are received by the listener. And then we think “I should have never said that.” The energy, negative and harmful, has already found its mark, piercing the heart of another. Often the words are so painful that conversation on the topic is now over.
Ironically, in some situations, the realization of just how our words have hurt another brings about an awareness of how much we really do care for the person who is now experiencing emotional pain. The beginning of healing through sincerely repenting and forgiving can create a reconnect where separateness once existed.
It is this Truth, that we are “One” with each other, that Jesus taught and about which He prayed hours before His death (John 17). Separate in physical form only, One in Spirit with each other. How we express our love to anyone (the person on the street, people at work or school, friends, family members, committed relationships) is a reflection, yes even a test, of our awareness that the essence of “another” is the “same” within us. What we do or say to another, we do or say to ourselves.
If we believe this essential principle of Life, we can begin to consistently receive and use the incredible power of God available to us through the Holy Spirit, to apply the Love of Christ in our conversations, whether they’re casual, confrontational or otherwise. No matter what circumstance or situation we may find ourselves in, having an awareness that we are much, much more than what the eye perceives will change the way we communicate and relate to one another.
The Holy Spirit sees us as perfect, perceiving God within, and stands ready and willing to give us every resource we could ever need to be the Love we are here to be. That also includes the words, the loving, kind, gentle words that build and encourage and honor another. Jesus said, “For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” (Matthew 12:34).
Thought for the day: My God, thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit in the world and specifically in my life. I pray that the thoughts I have find their source in Love so that the words I speak reflect the Christ in me.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.