In Luke 6:40, Jesus tells us that a student is no better than his teacher, but everyone who is well-trained will be like his teacher. Jesus is the teacher and we are the disciple, the student. In other words, we will be like the teacher. Even though many say, 'be Jesus feet and hands in the world', it seems people use it more metaphorically as if it is nice to think about that, but I am just little ole me doing some things Jesus did.
Jesus tells us that we will be LIKE the teacher. Let's allow ourselves to absorb that. It is not some imitation on an interim basis, but we become like the teacher. Do you buy that?
In John 14, Jesus also tells us, "whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, and will perform even greater works."
As you consider your Rule of Life, or Spiritual Plan, for 2019, what is in your plan to be the student, get well-trained, and be like the teacher?…/ministry-and-the-spiritual-life/
Ministry and the Spiritual Life – Henri Nouwen Society
All Jesus’ words and actions emerge from his intimate relationships with his Father. “Do you not believe,” Jesus says, “that I am…read…read more
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