Cut It Out!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 5:27-30 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (E’sha Cooper):

Do you know that some cancers are preventable? Do you know that many cancers are curable if caught in the early stages? Well, Jesus tells us as much in today’s scripture. He talks about just those truths as it relates to sin.

Sin, like cancer, is best dealt with when you do the things that will lead to good health, like eating right (scripture, meditation, prayer), avoiding fast foods (worldly fixes and “junk” for your mind) and getting regular exercise (walking with Christ daily).

Today’s message is simple yet very serious. Are you doing everything in your power to keep sin out of your life? If so, keep going — you will be rewarded.

If you haven’t been so diligent and there are areas where sin has a stronghold — cut it out. Quit seeing that married man or woman, terminate those relationships that foster sin, get rid of those books and magazines that feed those harmful thoughts. CUT IT OUT. Some of us let the things that we know are hurting us and destroying our health get priority over loving and taking care of ourselves.

What do you wrestle with? What are your temptations? What areas do you struggle with most? What impedes your walk with Christ? Jesus reminds us today that it is serious — so serious that it has the potential to destroy every area of our lives if not dealt with.

If your doctor told you that you had cancer and if you didn’t have surgery it would turn fatal, what would you do?

Thought for the day: Am I willing to go to Christ’s “operating table” now before sin destroys my life?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.