Following God’s Way to Forgiveness – Encouragement for Today – July 23, 2019

In Matthew 18, Peter asked the Lord how many times he should forgive someone who sinned against him. Should he be willing to forgive someone seven times? Jesus answered, “Seventy times seven times” (v. 22).

Forgiving is so hard. And forgiving ourselves even harder, even though we know God Forgives. But it is not a head thing. It is a heart thing. Knowing God forgives intellectually does not mean that we will feel it heart wise.

This can play a role in our forgiveness of others. We know in our head that we are to forgive, but it needs to happen in our heart. What Jesus says about forgiving many times conveys an attitude. Jesus knows it is not easy for us. But "forgivingness" … the attitude of forgiveness (77 times) can help get that forgiveness to settle into our heart. It does not mean there are no consequences or that it is easily forgotten. But forgiveness allows us to live, not let the other person off the hook.

Please see today's selected devotional at the link below.

Following God’s Way to Forgiveness – Encouragement for Today – July 23, 2019

God wants us to forgive others — not just for their benefit, but for ours as well.

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