You Never Do Anything You Don’t Want to Do – Crosswalk the Devotional – October 23

Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. – Galatians 6:5, The Message

Have you ever been in a situation where you really did not want to do something, but you did it any way? Maybe it was a chore, or a task for work, or an assignment for a class.

If you went through with that task any way guess what? That means you really wanted to do. Don't believe that? Read today's selected devotional at the link below:

You Never Do Anything You Don’t Want to Do – Crosswalk the Devotional – October 23

My youth teacher's statement would make me own all my actions and reactions, decisions and indecisions. And, surprising myself, that was a concept I could handle.

Read this post within the Be Still Daily Meditation Facebook Group
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