Family First

This sermon looks at what, for many lgbt people, are two of the most frightening passages in the Bible. First is the story of Adam and Eve, so popular with the God-Hates-Fags crowd. They love to chant, “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” because it’s such a clever phrase — and it rhymes! Then […]

Good Answers to Tough Questions

Do you ever have little doubts, like gnats in your mind, about how being g, l, b, or t really impacts your relationship with God? Even if you know all the “right” scriptural answers, the questions can still linger. So, how do you respond when someone says, “Just because you’re born that way doesn’t mean […]

Am I an Abomination?

Many of our conservative friends would be quick to tell us, “Yes, you are!” And unfortunately, too many of us live with a fear that they might be right. Of course, we dismiss this as right-wing, fundamentalist, superstitious, cave-man thinking. It doesn’t keep us from coming out or forming relationships. But buried there in the […]

When Jesus Met a Gay Man

An examination of Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10. Just another healing miracle, right? Not on your life! This passage, when understood, sheds amazing new light on what Jesus thought of gay people.