Clues for the Second Coming

So, when Jesus returns, how will it all go down? A lot of people have strong opinions and elaborate theories. But this week we’ll try something different. We’ll look for clues about the Second Coming in prophecies about Jesus’ First Coming. You might be surprised what we learn — and the practical spiritual lessons that […]

Rules, Rules, Rules!

Were you raised in a spiritual environment where God seemed to be all about rules? “Do this. Don’t do that!” If so, it’s tempting to go to the opposite extreme, becoming almost phobic about rules. “Nobody’s gonna tell me what to do; anything goes!” What role should — and shouldn’t — rules play in the […]

Thou Shalt Not!

Preachers love to preach about sin, but seldom get down to the real questions, like: “What is sin, and why should I care?” Watch this sermon if you’re tired of all the superficial “stupid-talk” about sin, and would welcome a thoughtful, helpful exploration of the subject. Today’s scripture: Amos 5:6-12, 14-15 Watch the webcast. Use […]

Plagues and Punishment

This sermon tackles a sensitive, sometimes scary question: does God punish? If so, when and how? Some of us have experienced churches where God seems to be consumed with punishing. Others of us have experienced churches where happy-talk prevails and God is exclusively about positive affirmation. Where does the truth lie? Today’s scripture: Joel 1:1-7, 15-16 Watch […]

All About Angels

Some Christians see angels as literal beings. Others see them as metaphors. Whichever way you see them, the concept of angels can provide powerful insights into how the world works — and how we can better respond to the challenges we face. Listen for a thoughtful exploration of the Biblical concept of angels. Today’s scripture: […]

Angels Watchin’ Over Me

Do you have a guardian angel? It’s a nice idea, but what should thoughtful people believe? What does the Bible say? And maybe even more importantly, why should I care? What does this possibility mean for me? Listen or watch for a message that’s both thought-provoking, and full of practical encouragement. Watch the webcast. Comments […]