Good Sex

We hear that term a lot, but what does it really mean?  How should we feel about sex?  How does God feel about it?  What role should sex play in the life of a faithful Christian? Listen as we explore these sensitive questions.  This is the last sermon in our “New Life in Christ” series.

Mastering Money Before It Masters Us

Remember that old commercial: “When EF Hutton talks, people listen.” And everyone would stop whatever they were doing, just to hear what ol’ EF had to say. What if Jesus offered investment advice? Would you want to listen? This week we’ll look at part of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus gives us three […]

Through the Looking Glass

Imagine this scenario:  You’ve just pulled in to the Wal-Mart parking lot, and you spot a choice parking space.  But there’s someone else, coming from the other direction, who has seen it too. What do you think?  What do you do?  Wave them in?  Speed up so you’re sure to get the spot? This sermon […]

What Am I Worth?

When we look around at how the world measures success — fame, wealth, picture-perfect shiny happiness — it’s easy to think of ourselves as failures.  We’re not worthy! But what happens when we look at ourselves the way God does?  God measures in a vastly different way than we do, in a measure that’s based […]