The Prodigal Father

We often hear platitudes about the “love of God” — but in this sermon, we’ll get some insight into how that love works. We take a look at the familiar story of “The Prodigal Son”, and find that it tells us a lot more about God (as demonstrated by the father in the story) than […]

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction

How much should I expect from my spouse? To what extent should my spouse fulfill my needs? Those are the questions this sermon explores.

‘Til Death Do Us Part

How do we keep our commitments in a relationship? When is it appropriate to break them? This sermon focuses on the biblical concept of hesed, or covenant loyalty. It presents neither sugar-coated platitudes nor dogma — but examines real issues in a way that can bring life.

The Secret — According to Jesus

“The Secret” is a popular book and video that is capturing the attention of millions seeking to find the answer to living a happy, complete life. But Jesus gave us the secret centuries ago to living happily and completely for all eternity. This week, we’re going to share Jesus’ thoughts on how to live the […]

Making Love

Why do some relationships work, but so many fail? Am I ready for a relationship? How can I make the relationship I’m in better? This sermon kicks off a new series: Spiritual Principles for Successful Relationships. Listen if you’re embarking on a new relationship, would like to have a relationship in the future, or want […]