The Gift

Does religion, to you, seem like just a bunch of rules to keep? Maybe that’s how you were raised — or maybe that’s just how the loudest TV preachers present it. But Jesus gave us a better way — a life of the Spirit, not a life of rules. This sermon looks at this conflict, […]

Eyes Wide Shut

As you read the Gospels, it’s stunning how many people just didn’t get it — they didn’t grasp the significance of Jesus’ presence with them. What about us? Could we make the same mistake? Listen as we look at some of the signs of Jesus’ presence among us today.

Family First

This sermon looks at what, for many lgbt people, are two of the most frightening passages in the Bible. First is the story of Adam and Eve, so popular with the God-Hates-Fags crowd. They love to chant, “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” because it’s such a clever phrase — and it rhymes! Then […]

Mad About You

We’ve all experienced it — a sudden rush of anger, and before we know it, we’ve said deeply hurtful words that can never be taken back. Wounded, the other person lashes back, and our relationship is riven by conflict. This sermon looks at practical strategies for anger management. We all need it!