Generational Bondage

How does your family’s past affect you today? That’s a huge question — scary even! For most of us, it’s a mixed bag. We carry both blessings and wounds from our upbringing. As we wrap up our sermon series on “The Inferior Kings of Israel and Judah”, we’ll take a look at how dysfunctions accumulated […]

Why Bother?

Remember when you were growing up and your mother would say, “I work so hard to keep this house clean, but then you kids just come along and mess it up. I don’t know why I bother!” Every one of us has experienced that same feeling. We work really hard to build something, only for […]

Reduced To Tears

At some point, it happens to us all, or someone we love — that time when the doctor sighs and says, “I’m sorry, but. . . .” When that time comes, when our health begins to fail, when some chronic disease is diagnosed, how should we respond? Next week (really, we mean it this time!) […]

Unscrooged! Angels of Missions Past, Present, and Future

This is World Missions Day. We’ll explore the power of our partnership with God and each other, as we share God’s love around the world. We’ll look at some highlights of our Missions Program through time, and a trajectory into the future. From South Africa to Kenya to Ghana: Brent and Julie Walsh have prepared […]