The Unpardonable Sin

In one of the most intriguing passages in the Bible, Jesus asserts that every sin can and will be forgiven. . . except one. In today’s sermon we’ll explore what that one sin is, why it’s so different from other sins, and the practical lesson we’re supposed to learn from all of this.

Something Old, Something New

We live in a polarized culture. Some of us love that which has been; we’re called Conservatives. Some of us love that which is to come; we’re called Progressives. So which was Jesus? You might be surprised! From his example, we can learn how to better navigate the same divide in our culture.

Now Serving Number One

Our relationship with God is such a delicate dance. Sometimes we get confused. Sometimes we doubt. Sometimes we take matters into our own hands. Deacon Tina Johnson-McCrackin shares insights she has gained in her own journey with God — insights that will help each of us better understand how God works in our lives. Our […]