
Today’s scripture: Luke 10:17-24 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

There is joy for many things in today’s passage. The disciples are joyous for their service. But then Jesus reminds them to be joyous because they are aware of the presence of God. Jesus also reminds them that we should rejoice because the understanding of God happens as we become as little children and place trust in God.

What are you thankful for?

If I look out into the world and all that is going on around me, it is easy to get caught up in what’s wrong. The people whose lives are in turmoil because of hurricane Sandy, a friend who is sick, the girl in Guatemala with kidney disease who needs a safe home, areas of my own life that need attention. How can I be thankful when these things are happening?

We can be thankful that we can hold these people and circumstances in prayer, and pool our spiritual power and pray for these things together. Prayer changes people and circumstances. God moves us to act. The people of Wilton, Connecticut, known as Wilton Hearts, have been collecting items and driving them over to Staten Island. Neighbors are helping neighbors.

Our prayer can help us be present with a friend who is sick. A visit or a phone call can make a difference. Our prayer can help us be more aware of how God wants us to be of service in the world. We can go on a mission trip to Guatemala and build that girl a home. We can each raise to God the issues we are encountering in each of our lives and we can each ask God, “What can I do to work on these things with more focus on You?

Thanksgiving is a time where we give thanks and joy to God for what we have, and how God has blessed us. But it is also a time we can thank God for having God in our lives, for having Jesus’ presence with us, and the difference that makes.

Thought for the day: What am I thankful for?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.