Today’s scripture: Luke 10:1-16 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?
My thoughts (Melody Merida):
When I was a sophomore in high school I was a member of the varsity volleyball team at my high school. My sister, who was a junior at the time, was also a member of that same team. We had gotten a new coach that year and she was fierce. She pushed us in practice, she demanded our best every time we stepped on the court, and she held us accountable when we didn’t give 100%. My sister was what you might call a recreational athlete; she liked to play sports but wasn’t super interested in working hard at it. I, on the other hand, was obsessed. During volleyball season I ate, slept, even breathed all things volleyball; it was my sustenance.
One day after a particularly grueling practice my sister went home and informed my mom that she had quit the team. My mom was very upset that she quit when the season was already underway and told her that quitting was not an option. They went back and forth on the issue; after some time my mother relented and let my sister quit the team. I, though, was as committed as ever.
That season turned out to be a pretty great one. We started the first half of the season without a loss, going 7-0. Our little team eventually made it all the way to the semifinals of the state tournament! There were newspaper articles about the team; my photo was in the paper a couple of times along with some of my teammates. The team was honored with a special rally at school and we received a great big trophy along with individual medals. We were in heaven!
But my sister was miserable. You see, when the team started the season with a couple of big wins my sister asked if she could join the team again. Of course the answer was no, it was too late. So, while we were celebrating a great season, she was lamenting that she had chosen not to be a part of it. The same experience was heaven for me and hell for her.
In today’s scripture reading, the same story line is played out, though more subtly. Jesus instructs his disciples to proclaim to those who greet them and tell them that “the kingdom of God has come near to you.” Oddly enough, the disciples are instructed to say the same thing to those who reject their message: “the kingdom of God has come near.” How does that make any sense?
In both cases the opportunity was being given to experience the kingdom of God on earth, to partner with Jesus to make earth more like heaven. Some embraced that idea and lived in that kingdom experience; others rejected it after having come so close to it. The kingdom of God was all around them but they missed it.
This same choice is offered up to us daily: will we accept the peace of Jesus and live today in the midst of the kingdom of God, or will we reject that peace and make today a living hell? The events of our lives might not change but the way we experience them will. Choose to live in the kingdom of God today.
Thought for the day: Jesus said the kingdom is near. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to know what kingdom living feels like. Each day we have a choice: kingdom living or living in hell.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.