Today’s scripture: Exodus 1:15-22a (ESV – text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me in this passage?
My thoughts (Tammy Mills):
Several years ago on a family vacation, my 7 year old nephew and his family joined us. He was very impressed that we had flown to Canada. He and his family had made the long trip in their car, and he really wanted to ride in an airplane. One day he asked me if I could take him on the airplane when we went back home.
I told him I only had two tickets so that wouldn’t work. He thought for a moment and then said, “When you get to the airport, tell them you lost your tickets and then ask for three replacements.” (What a smart — but scary — response.) I told him it wouldn’t be right to lie. To which he replied “Oh Aunt T, it’s OK to tell a little lie.”
Is it OK to tell a lie? It seems like a lie was exactly what was needed in our reading today. Shiphrah and Puah are brave and courageous women, who love God above all else. When it seems, to them, that the all powerful Pharaoh is doing a horrible injustice to the Hebrew baby boys they know they must do something. They choose to follow God even if it means lying to the Pharaoh and possibly suffering harsh consequences for their actions.
What this story says to me today is that life is complicated. Few things are “all wrong” or “all right.” Each day we find ourselves in complex situations with no easy answers. In complex situations what do we turn to for direction? Shiphrah and Puah let their love for God guide their actions. If we look to love to guide us then perhaps we can find our way through the complexities of life. To quote a line from one of my favorite Melissa Etheridge songs, “Love is never wrong.” (Silent Legacy).
Thought for the day: In complex situation in my life I will ask “What would love do?”
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.