Today’s scripture: Romans 6:5-14 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?
My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):
Maybe there are two types of people in this world. I say maybe because I have absolutely zero data to support this theory. Nevertheless, I suggest there are two types of people; those that are looking at Christians and saying why aren’t they perfect like the Christ they profess to follow and those that are Christians struggling everyday to be perfect and failing miserably at every turn.
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” — Anna Quindlen
I read this quote earlier and thought it was very appropriate for today. I really have never classified myself as a perfectionist, although I do like order and structure in my life. You see I grew up in a home where early was on time, on time was late and late was unacceptable. So while my parents weren’t perfect they did stress the necessity of doing things decent and in order. Being a typical kid and teenager I often didn’t meet up to my mother’s high standards as it related to grades and keeping up on chores. As a result I became accustomed to being scolded and berated for not achieving to my highest potential. As I think back on some of those tongue lashings and verbal whippings it feels like they were abusive on some level. Regardless, my point is that I sometimes find it hard to forgive myself for not being perfect. Do you ever struggle to extend grace to yourself?
So often we think we have to be perfect in how we approach God. We think God expects perfection from us or that God won’t accept us if we don’t have it all together. And if you are anything like me, sometimes we use that as a reason to keep our distance instead of allowing our imperfections — this beautiful mess that we are — to push us closer to Christ, to help us draw nearer to the One who is perfect and holy and who loves us just as we are. It is in the midst of our imperfection, in the midst of the struggle and difficulty, in the midst of our mess that we are reminded just how much we need a Savior. Our faith is strengthened as we trust God to be our everything.
I was reminded again this morning of just how human I am as I banged my toe on the side of the bed, forgot to take my vitamins, ripped my sock as I put it on, spilled my coffee all over everything, and over-cooked my oatmeal in the microwave. I started laughing and felt as though God was reminding me that I really could lighten up and laugh and just trust God.
Thought for the day: Trust that God’s love for me is PERFECT and that’s all the perfect I need to be.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.