
Today’s scripture: Matthew 23:1-12 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Recently I had to make some changes and get a secular job to secure medical benefits for Jeff and me. In doing so, I was blessed with many job opportunities and offers in a short period of time. When all of this was happening, it brought back memories of the past and my previous career, and of the positions I have had and the pay. It was really heavy. It is easy to get caught up in the momentum and forget about the goal.

I started three different jobs between February and April. I was able to do that in my discernment, and I know that was a blessing and a rarity. Did I want a modest job with great benefits, a big paying job with so-so benefits, or a stable job with consistent benefits? It wasn’t so clear-cut because I had to really decide what I wanted to do beyond the pay and benefits, but keeping those in mind with our current needs.

My decision reminded me of today’s scripture. Many do things for the wrong reasons. I reminded myself of why I went into the ministry five years ago. It was about doing God’s service. Nothing more. I was not seeking a paycheck, position, or a place of honor, etc. I was willing to go where God took me. In looking for a secular job, all of my past came rushing back. How much does it pay? Is it a high level position? What is the bonus structure like? David, I thought you left all that in the past!

Life circumstances change. Needs change. Things have to change, even if we don’t want them to. I don’t think God caused my medical issues. I don’t think God is using my medical issues to steer me in another direction. I am not on puppet strings. But how have I changed?

I imagine Jesus asking me, “How have you grown and changed the last five years in your journey to follow me and be my disciple?” I think one thing I would say is that I am earnestly trying to “give up” on having to be right all the time. I don’t know many people like that, except for a few monastery friends that I have, but I am doing my best in praying and trying.

As I move through this phase, I want to come through it a better, more humble person. I pray that five years from now, I can hear Jesus ask me, “How have you grown and changed the last five years in your journey to follow me and be my disciple?” And I can respond, “I am a more gentle and humble person.”

Question for the day: How have you grown and changed the last five years in your journey with Christ?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.