Home — The Promised Land

Today’s scripture: Genesis 12:1-9 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Jeff and I have been in Indianapolis for 20 years this year. Jeff started as Pastor around the 1st of the year 1997, with, what was then called, Jesus MCC. I moved here one month later, the 1st of February, when we closed on the house we were building and we able to move in.  Jeff had the cats with him and I had the dogs.

What were we doing before this? Jeff had been a Lawyer for the Office of Thrift Supervision (regulating Savings and Loans) and I had been an engineer for the FDA then a Medical Device consultant for a year to prepare for where ever we would land.

Jeff was from Indianapolis, and we traveled here several times. We would talk and somewhat kid each other; “What if we ended up here after Jeff’s ordination”? There was not an opening at the time at Jesus MCC, so we let it go. My mom would tell me that she knew we would end up in Indianapolis.

So what happens? An opening occurs, but Jeff has yet to be ordained. He was not quite completed with the program when the opening occurred. He applies anyway, and is called to serve as pastor by the church. He then completes his ordination while serving as pastor.

This is very different from Abraham’s story, as his story was about the Promised Land for the Hebrew People. But in a different way, we could say this was a promised land for an MCC that was young, and for the LGBT Christian community that needed a place called home. We were all coming together for something greater.

As I look back over 20 years, God has blessed us as a church; we have grown, we have built a few altars, and we are at a place we call home. We are also creating home and space for others in Indianapolis through our outreach ministry, around the world through our missions program, and through our website via Be Still and Know devotionals, the book The Children Are Free, our sermons available on line, and the list goes on and on.

The promises of God continue today, well beyond the days of Abraham. LifeJourney Church is  expanding God’s realm  here on earth by brining about a promised land for many to find a spiritual home.

Thought for the day: Allow yourself to hear the promise of God. It will take you home, to a closer relationship and walk with Jesus. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.