
Today’s scripture: Genesis 50 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

We come to the ending of the 50 Chapter journey through Genesis. Genesis tells us the stories of our history as a people. The stories show us how our spiritual ancestors encountered God. They also show the real life circumstances of daily life and relationships. The hardships, people disappointing others, and those who try to be attentive to God and do their best, are examples of what happens to us today, thousands of years later. Each story in the Bible is not always “go and do likewise.” Selling our sibling into slavery was an example of bad behavior. That brother who was “sold out” showed us how to overcome the worst of circumstances knowing God was there, how to forgive others, and how to take care of others in need. Sounds like messages Jesus teaches us in the New Testament.

Where do you see yourself in the stories of Genesis? Don’t worry, it can be more than one of the stories. The challenge is not seeing where we are in the stories, or what we need to overcome, or how much we have grown in our own lives. The challenge is recognizing who and where we are so that we are up to the challenge of growing our souls. The saying goes – “History keeps repeating itself” What do I keep repeating? What patterns do I need to break?

Thought for the day: Cherish friendships and family, however you define them. And seek God so that each of us keeps growing. Jesus is always with us. Holy Spirit rain down.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.