We’re taking a look at “building blocks” for soul growth. This week: the building block of Service.

Today’s scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):


I can’t imagine there is a word that has played more of an integral part in my spiritual transformation and spiritual awareness.

I find Jesus’ prayer (recorded in John 17) for himself, his disciples and for all believers so amazing and overflowing with truth and divine wisdom that if we truly understood what He was saying it would change everything! It would change the way we perceive God, ourselves, and every other human being on this earth.

We have been deluded into believing that we, God’s created children, are separate — from God and one another. We have been taught and it is constantly reinforced that we should focus on our differences, “to appreciate the diversity of Creation.” While it is true that the world we have been given to enjoy is so beautifully populated with diversity, we have been taught to see that diversity as something that “separates” us, one from the other.

In such contrast, Paul writes to the Corinthians to emphasize that despite all of the diversity of gifts working in people of faith, there is but One Spirit, One Lord, One God. The manifestation of this awesome Oneness is given for the common good “of all the people.” Many parts — but One Body! So, as a believer, as a disciple of Jesus, blessed with spiritual gifts to share with one another… how can we best serve the sea of humanity?

Certainly each manifestation of the Spirit has its own unique application for ministering to the needs of those we meet every day. As we allow God to work in and through us we become healers, teachers, parents, lovers, friends and many other conduits for the grace of God to flow. We can serve by being genuine and authentic; by being prepared to be vulnerable, peeling back the layers and living the real truth of who we are.

We can serve one another by walking our daily journey with a quiet mind and open heart, living in the now, facing our fears, feeling compassion, seeing the Divine in all of humanity — no matter the color, race, sexuality, creed, age, gender, or walk of life.

We can serve by looking into the eyes of another human being, into the depths of their soul, and seeing the Divine within each and every one, and then responding to what we see.

We can serve by listening without judgment, talking with passion, looking with wonder and awe into the very face of God. In those holy moments we catch glimpses of who we are, reflecting back at us.

In those holy moments we catch glimpses of Home, our ultimate destination. In those holy moments we remember, not our differences, but our sameness — our Oneness! It is then that we experience what we truly are — Love.

Be Love!

Thought for the day: “By this (Love), all of the world will know you are my disciples” (Jesus, John 13:35)

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.