Today’s scripture: Mark 1:21-28 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)
As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.
My thoughts (David Zier):
I pondered over this scripture, and I thought, “Why was I assigned this? Why do I have to write on this passage?” And then I thought to myself, “Maybe it’s because I’m just as crazy, or possessed, as this guy is!”
On some level, we are all possessed. Each of us has some bondage that keeps us away from the freedom of living fully in God’s love. Something can hold us back, keep us from experiencing joy in life and the world and each other as God intended for us. Each of us can be driven crazy by being “possessed” by something not quite right.
In Mark, Jesus’ first ministry action is dealing with this possessed person in the temple. It sometimes seems to me as if a sign hangs on the church door “all crazies please enter!” As Jesus ministry unfolds, he is a champion of the underdog, and he turns the notion of blessedness and order upside down. The last shall be first and the first, last.
How many of us find comfort in Jesus in bringing our own crazy selves to God through him? Isn’t this one of the reasons why some of us come to Jesus? We can be attracted to Jesus because we recognize something that overwhelms us, something that will draw us nearer to God, some thing that will overwhelm us in God’s grace, humility, and forgiveness.
Jesus heals us. Love builds us up. Jesus’ teachings have a deep authority, the authority to speak to our real needs. Jesus has the authority of love. Jesus still speaks to the “crazies” in all of us who drawn to him. Today, we are face to face with the holiness of God, in Jesus Christ. That holiness, love, sets us free.
Prayer for the day: Shower me with your compassion. Restore me with your mercy. Strengthen me and give me patient understanding and persevering love. In your name I pray. Amen.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.