Today’s scripture: Mark 9:38-41 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message)
As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.
My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):
We hear it practically every time we assemble together for corporate worship.
It’s engraved on the front of Jesus MCC’s communion table for all to see.
It is one of the great hallmarks of our faith, and certainly one of the most important proclamations giving comfort and hope to those who have been singled out and shunned by their own family or church.
It’s a key component of the mission and purpose of Jesus MCC.
Yet is it possible, like the Apostle John, we might be guilty of dismissing another brother or sister who performs a spiritual work in the name of Jesus, because he or she was not “one of us”?
Do we consistently rejoice in the good that others do? Or are we jealous or envious of the good deeds done by someone not affiliated with “us” in some official capacity?
I am becoming more and more convinced that we must intentionally look for every possible way to erase the “us vs. them” way of thinking. Jesus reprimands his disciples for their jealousy and envy because they had actually forbade a man from casting out demons in Jesus’ name. We must cultivate a heart that rejoices over anything that happens that is in the highest good of another, regardless of who provides the service.
The love of Christ not only frees us from envy and jealousy, it compels us, all of us, to give generously to those in need. Everyone in need has a claim on you and me because they bear the image and likeness of God and are deeply loved by Christ. Jesus told the disciples (and consequently us) that any kindness shown and any help given to another, in His name, will not lose its reward.
It is time to open our eyes to the amazing change that is occurring in the world right now. We are being given an opportunity to destroy barriers that have existed between countries, governments, religious groups, denominations, etc. The change requires a radical transformation in the way we have traditionally thought about “them” (any group of people not like us). The change requires us to acknowledge that we are intrinsically just like them. Look beyond that which has always been a wall between us. See the reality of the Truth that we are the same — spiritual beings having physical experiences.
When it happens, you will never be the same person you were. You will know that we really are all children of God, called to be the living body of Christ to each other. Then to the homeless person on the street, to the one with HIV, to the substance abuser, to the one who has no source of income, to the one struggling with gender identity, to the incarcerated — to those tradition would see as the least of these — we will, like the Master, open our arms and with eyes of compassion affirm that “All Are Welcome!”
Thought for the day: I am a part of the One Body of Jesus Christ. Open my eyes, Lord, to see the Glory that is You — in the eyes of my brother and sister! I am Love!
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.