
Today’s scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (NRSV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Robert Ferguson):

Temptation has haunted every generation since Adam and Eve. However, we don’t have to give in to temptation or get caught up in sin. We do have victory.

I know it sounds good on paper, but living it is a daily challenge full of pitfalls and snares. As we look at First Corinthians, I see three meaningful answers:

We learn from the mistakes made by others.
Like warning signs they show us the danger in going the wrong way. Here Paul shows us how the Jews were tempted, how they yielded, and how they paid the price for doing so. We have victory by learning not to repeat their mistakes.

Because of God’s divine power we are able to win over evil and temptation.
If we take our challenges and shortcomings to God in prayer and listen for guidance and instruction we can overcome all things. Our spiritual ancestors provoked God during their desert experience by doubting God’s power to provide for them. They gave in to a lack of trust in God and began to complain and worry. Paul warns the Corinthians not to succumb to similar faults.

We can make the choice to follow in God’s way.
As in Corinth, our society today seems plagued with violence and a lack of love and respect for one another. Human suffering seems to be out of control — the fruit of greed, lack of compassion, and selfishness. When we strive to have a Christ-like mind and stay God-focused, we can avoid many of the sins that befall mankind. Turn away from those things that separate us from the will of God, a healthy life, and compassion for our brothers and sisters.

Thought for the day: Trust God and know that victory is ours. Be encouraged to brighten your corner of the world today.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.