
Today’s scripture: Matthew 12:1-8 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

I greeted a friend the other day and asked him how he was doing. He replied, “I’m doing well. I got mercy when I should have gotten justice.” We both sort of chuckled, but his answer made me take pause. Where do I stand on that line between mercy and justice, and/or sacrifice? Honestly, some days I do better than others. On my bad days, I’m a real nitpicker.

I was taught at an early age that I should obey rules and laws. I’ve had my share of experiences with micro-managers and so I effortlessly see the smallest of infractions. Especially in the car, I want to lay on my horn and shout at people, “Hey, use your turn signals!” Or, “Pick a lane, buddy!” There’s a good reason why I’m not a traffic cop.

I remember one time I was particularly frustrated with a driver in front of me who_was_just_inching_down_the_road. She was moving so slowly that she should have put a Slow Moving Vehicle sign on her car. This went on and on, seemingly forever. And I don’t remember, but it’s possible I was being a real tailgating jerk. Finally when I got the chance, I zoomed around her car and we sat next to each other at a stoplight. I turned and looked at her smugly, thinking, Hah! I’m not behind you anymore. But no sooner did I think that, I could feel the blood draining from my face. My feelings went from smug and full of myself, to shame. Strapped in her back seat sat a tiny very fragile elderly woman, so small I didn’t even see her when I was behind them. (She probably had to sit in the back because a deployed airbag would have killed her.) And I thought, if I were carrying such precious cargo in my car, I’d drive slowly, too. Mercy.

Laws and rules are important. They protect us from each other and from our stupid selves. God gave us some rules to start us out, and the ability to make rules as needed. But Jesus taught us that Mercy is a better rule. In the Book of Matthew, Jesus talks about mercy over sacrifice more than once. It was his message to Pharisees and other nitpickers, like me.

Thought for the day: When I feel myself getting all puffed up with righteousness, am I just being self-indulgent in my own smugness? Would this be a good time to practice mercy?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.