Today’s scripture: Jeremiah 1: 5-10 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?
My thoughts (Angela Eden):
Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.
Do you believe God has “holy plans” for you? I know what you may be thinking, “God is speaking to Jeremiah, not me.” I, too, am guilty of keeping God’s words wrapped neatly inside the Bible. I have a hard time letting them lift off the page (or screen) and wrap around me. But what if. . . what if the proverbs, parables, and promises were all written specifically for you? And what if God truly has “holy plans” just for you?
Not long ago, Pastor Jeff delivered a series of sermons pertaining to our daily work. He encouraged us by stating that we are all ministers called to do God’s work, regardless of where or how we do it but he also challenged us to reflect, “Am I where I’m supposed to be?” The question comes way easier than the answer!
If you’ve found this question cycling around in your mind, I recommend Bruce Wilkinson’s The Dream Giver. The first part of the book opens with a modern-day parable of a Nobody named Ordinary who lived in the Land of Familiar. Ordinary discovers a God-given Dream and must battle naysayers, giants, and fears on the way to reaching the Land of Promise. The second part of the book tackles the question, “What is my God-given Dream?” In other words, what did God create you for? What need of God’s are you to meet? Wilkinson gives five suggestive exercises to help you discover your dream:
- Think back to what you wanted to do while you were growing up.
- Interview three people you respect, who you think are living their Dream.
- If someone came along and gave you all the money you ever wanted, what would you do with it?
- Observe your life and write down your conclusions. (What have I always been good at? What needs do I care about most? Who do I admire most? What makes me feel most fulfilled? What do I love to do most? What have I felt called to do?)
- Ask yourself what legacy you would like to leave.
Thought for the day: For today, carry around the idea that before you were even born, God made holy plans for you. Are you following them? Do you even know what they are? Make it a goal to find and keep to God’s blueprint for your life.
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.