The Scenic Route

Today’s scripture: Psalm 65 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Kevin Konkle):

People who don’t like to admit that they were driving around lost will often say that it took them longer than normal to get to a destination because they didn’t take the direct route, “they took the scenic route”.  Of course everyone around them chuckles, knowing the full truth of the situation. However, as much as I like to “conquer” the territory and get to the destination I’m traveling to, sometimes it’s much more beautiful to take the scenic route. For a while my brother lived in Key West, Florida. I would often visit him by flying from Indianapolis to Miami and then renting a car from Miami and driving through the Florida Keys to Key West. It was longer then flying directly into Key West, but so spectacular! Sometimes in life the beauty is in the journey as well as the destination.

David is talking about such a time in everyone’s life. We all have bumps in the road, make mistakes, get distracted, but we can always come back into God’s presence and find that distractions are not always disasters. Perhaps one of the pivotal moments in Jonah’s ministry was the three day scenic route he spent in the belly of a great fish? Yes, it was the scenic route, a distraction, but it taught him lessons I am sure he valued for the rest of his life. So it is true with your life. Many times you were distracted and took the scenic route, but sometimes that’s when you learned some of your most valuable lessons in life.

Prayer for the day: God, as we look over our life today, help us to remember what might seem as a distraction today, may be just part of an amazing journey to an amazing destiny that you have all mapped out for us. Help us to trust you.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.