D is for Decision: an intentional commitment to follow in the way of Christ.
Not exactly a block, but more a state of the soul and mind. Do I want to be a disciple of Jesus? Do I want to spend time with him so I can become like him?
W is for Worship: meeting Christ communally in sermon, prayer, song, and Holy Communion.
Christ is powerfully present in worship!
C is for Connection: encountering Christ in each other.
We offer Oasis groups and SoulShift classes for connection through Bible study, sharing, prayer, fun, and laughter. Some may find connection through a ministry team. Jesus said, “Where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”
Q is for Quiet Time: meeting Christ in regular two-way conversation.
Intentional, one-on-one communication via Bible study, prayer, writing, singing, dancing/movement, art, meditation, recitation, memorization, or tongues. We offer the daily Be Still and Know resource.
S is for Service: finding Christ as we meet others’ practical and spiritual needs.
Our Ministry Teams offer opportunities to serve this congregation and the world beyond.
G is for Generosity: encountering Christ when giving to further God’s work on Earth.
? is for You To Ponder. We call it “The Mystery Block.”
You may have unique ways of meeting Christ that you feel led to build into your personal routine. Go for it!
About the Building Blocks
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He came to show us how to live in a way that allows life to become all it’s supposed to be. At LifeJourney Church, our highest goal is to learn to follow Jesus in this way — to become his disciples, to be like him.
How did the earliest disciples learn to become like Jesus? By spending time with him — listening, observing, emulating. And we can become like Jesus in that same way.
So, at LifeJourney Church, our Soul Care Program is all about “practicing the presence of Christ” — weaving quality time with Jesus into the fabric of our lives, so that we start to become more and more like him.
We offer a “building blocks” approach to spending time with Jesus. Our Soul Care program goes in depth about the building blocks, and we encourage each person to design his or her own custom spiritual growth program — at your own pace, step-by-step, one block at a time.
But the building blocks are only a means to an end — not an end by themselves. We will not have “arrived spiritually” once we have the building blocks in place. We will probably have only just begun to welcome enough of the presence of Christ to experience growth and transformation.
So, what is your own personal spiritual growth program is going to look like? Do you feel called to implement some of the building blocks at this time?