Paul’s Oasis Theology

Today’s scripture: Romans 1:1-15 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

This summer we will be covering the book of Romans. This letter was written by Paul during the reign of Nero in Rome; a time where there could have been tension between the Roman elite and Christians. According to the New Oxford Annotated Bible (NRSV), this letter is often read as “Paul’s theological last will and testament” that provides Paul’s own thoughts and reflections on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This letter was written as a source of encouragement to the Christians in Rome, conveying “the power of God for salvation.” Let’s dive in!

Getting beyond the greetings and well wishes, verse 12 really spoke to me:

“…that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

I was drawn to this passage because it reminds me of what happens in an Oasis group at LifeJourney Church. It is wonderful to worship together and see each other on Sundays, but it is in Oasis groups that we can share, support, and encourage each other, and allow our faith to guide us and strengthen us a group. As you learn about each other, you can’t help but care more deeply and feel more connected.

With permission, I tell this story.

4497_1099273253345_5706346_n[1]A member of the West Side Oasis, Dan Allis, lost a nephew, Joe, in a tragic bike accident in the very early morning hours in June 2012. Joe was someone who Dan was very close to, and spent a lot of time with. They would travel to the family cabin, one weekend per month, go boating on the pontoon boat, clown around with friends, etc. (Photo of Dan, Brother Bill and Joe to the right.) They had a very close relationship.  This was a difficult loss for Dan and the family. Joe was young; having just graduated High School. I spent time with Dan and the family in the hospital as they waited while Joe was in a coma in his last hours. I was able to get to know a lot about Joe from all of the people there.

The Oasis pulled together; some attending the wake and the funeral. We also provided Dan a memorial card and raised funds to support Joe’s favorite cause. We also pulled together video images from Joe’s and Dan’s Facebook pages to the song “Life Is beautiful” to give to Dan as a memorial for Joe. This was shared with Dan’s brother and family. The family expressed such gratitude for what we had done; they even used the video during the viewing time to share with everyone.

west oasis aI share this story because I think this conveys what Paul is telling us in verse 12. As an Oasis, we are there for each other to encourage and support each other in our faith and our life journeys. Whether the times are great or the times are difficult we are there for each other, come what may. We are a family that prays together, celebrates together, and mourns together. (Photo to left is a recent birthday celebration at Olive Garden.) Wouldn’t you like to connect with an Oasis so you can develop deeper friendships, and a support and caring network?

Thought for the day: How do you get your encouragement and support in your faith? Consider an Oasis to help you connect to a community.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.