Lent — It’s not the stuff in your dryer!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Lent begins today with Ash Wednesday. During this Season of Lent, we’ll take occasional breaks from our usually scheduled Be Still — probably once each week — to focus on this journey to Easter, and to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.

One Sunday, late in Lent, a Sunday school teacher decided to ask her class what they had learned about Lent and Easter.

The first little fellow suggested that Easter was when all the family comes to the house and they eat a big turkey and watch football. The teacher suggested that maybe he was thinking of Thanksgiving.

Next a young girl answered. She said Easter was the day when you come down the stairs and see all the beautiful presents under the tree. The teacher told the girl that she might be thinking of Christmas.

At this point, the teacher was really starting to feel discouraged. Had her students learned nothing about Lent and Easter?

Finally she called on another young boy, who timidly held up his hand. The boy began to say that Lent was the season before Easter. And Easter is the time when Jesus was crucified and buried. The teacher breathed a sigh of relief. One student seemed to have learned something!

The little boy continued, “Jesus was buried then he comes out of the grave and if he sees his shadow we have six more weeks of winter.”

Many of us might be a bit like these Sunday school students. We have heard of the Lenten season, but we really aren’t sure what it means or if it is important to our journey.

Lent is a 40 day spiritual journey. Lent provides us an intentional time, set aside each year to look inward and examine our hearts and prepare for the journey God is leading us on.

In our scripture today, Jesus takes 40 days to separate himself and examine his heart. During the time in the wilderness Jesus learns that he can rely on God no matter what. He learns that His heart is hungry for the things of God and he learns to listen to the Spirit’s voice. What a spiritual adventure!

I invite us to do as Jesus did and use these next forty days to make a spiritual journey to get back in touch with our soul. There are many ways to do this.

Some will choose to give up something they really like, say chocolate or soft drinks, and then each time they desire chocolate or a soda they will chat with God instead. Other might commit to spending a certain amount of time each day to simply being quiet and listening for the voice of God. Others might join a Bible study or prayer group during these 40 days. You might commit to using Be Still for the Lenten Season. Whatever works for you is the right thing! Use these next 40 days to take an amazing spiritual journey.

Thought and prayer for the day: God, help me to use this time to focus on you and the spiritual journey I’m on.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. Use the item above as a starting point, or consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.