Where’s My Seat?

Today’s scripture: Galatians 5:19-25 & Luke 14:7-14 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me in this passage? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two before reading on.

Dog 'n' kittyMy thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Gentleness and humility (sometimes translated meekness) are two fruits of the spirit that are hard for me to get my spirit around. I know them when I see them, but if you ask me to define them or explain them, I don’t know if I can. When I saw this picture I knew I was looking at gentleness and humility. I think they’re closely related to kindness, which is, in turn, related to love.

Do you see gentleness and humility when you look at this lab and kitty?

Where have you seen the fruit of gentleness or humility?

I have been blessed to have witnessed many powerful examples of gentleness in the course of my life. I saw it when my father held each of my daughters for the first time. I knew, in that moment, I was witnessing gentleness as I watched this large, confident man timidly hold them as if he was holding a priceless, fragile antique.

Another powerful example of gentleness was when I saw my friend Dennis Wellman get down on the carpet (something that was difficult for him to do, considering his physical limitations) to play “cars” with my little daughter. I knew I was witnessing humility and gentleness. Gentleness and humility always move my soul! They are hard for me to define, but I know them when I see them!

When I witness the fruits of gentleness and humility they always have huge positive impact on my spirit. I can’t help but wonder if others see these fruits in my life. I am afraid that more often than not, I insist upon “sitting in the place of honor” rather than taking a seat at the back of the room. I probably spend way too much time trying to “exalt” myself rather than waiting for God to do the “exalting”.

Thought for the day: Where am I sitting? Am I content to be at the table or do I insist upon the place of honor?

Today, let’s join together in prayer for: our own spiritual growth, especially the development of gentleness and meekness.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. Use the item above as a starting point, or consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.