With a Little Help From My Friends

Today’s scripture: Luke 1:39-45 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Mary was facing a huge life event. She had to be feeling incredible stress. I love that she heads to her friend’s house to process and find support for facing this new path God has placed her life on.

Where do you go when you need to find support?

I have to say it is humbling to be the one who is receiving care or needing support. I am pretty accustomed to giving support — and pretty good at it, too, I think — but in the last few weeks I learned how powerful it is to receive support. It is really necessary to bring fullness to our faith.

During our daughter’s surgery and hospital stay there were so many people who showed up in our lives to help us out, to strengthen us, to let our dog out, to post emails, to visit, to pray, to drive our youngest around, to bring snacks — I could go on and on. While my family faced a really difficult thing, people in our lives really filled in the gaps and gave us strength.

Not only did family and friends show up, but perfect strangers supported us. Thursday night at Riley, volunteer organizations put on a Christmas decorating party for all the kids. My family, with IV pole in tow, headed to the atrium for this party. I fought back tears during the whole event. (Truth be told, I am teary as I write this). I was so moved by the fact that folks who didn’t know us or any other of the families at Riley, took one night of their week to give these hospitalized kids a night where they could simply be kids, not their diagnosis.

What a wonderful night we had creating decorations for the Riley tree! During the scariest week of our lives these strangers made sure we had the time and place to “be family” without all the stress!

Mary needed her friends! I know I need mine! Even Jesus had his supportive friends who went everywhere with him!

Thought for the day: Who is your support? Have you thanked them lately? Do you let folks support you?

Today, let’s join together in prayer for: The new quarter of Discipleship Classes, which will begin in January. Pray for those who are deciding whether to take a class, for those who have already signed up, and for all who will be leading and teaching.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. Use the item above as a starting point, or consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.