In Dreams

Today’s scripture: I Kings 3:1-15 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Penny Dean):

If I remember my dreams, I don’t usually take them seriously. For example, I recently dreamt I had male-pattern baldness! Chances are, that won’t happen.

But many biblical figures took their dreams seriously. Joseph, for instance (in Matthew 2:13-15) was warned by God in a dream to flee with Mary and the baby to Egypt because Herod was out to kill Jesus. Not questioning this divine directive, Joseph packed up his family and went to Egypt where they remained until God said it was safe to return home.

Likewise, in the passage for today, Solomon took his dream seriously. In fact, he was so serious about this dream that he gave God a serious response. When God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom. He could have asked God for anything — riches, honor, military success — but Solomon had been king just long enough to realize how much he would need wisdom to govern Israel effectively. And God delivered.

God was so pleased with Solomon’s response that God not only agreed to grant the new king wisdom, but also wealth, honor, and a long life — provided Solomon obeyed “my statutes and commands as David your father did.” (NIV)

God spoke to Solomon in a dream and Solomon listened. Although he preferred to worship God in “the high places” (areas associated with worship of other gods) rather than at locations reserved for worship of Yahweh, Solomon immediately returned to Jerusalem and sacrificed at the holiest site of all: at the ark of the covenant as David had done.

God is constantly speaking to us whether we are awake or asleep. Maybe God approaches us in dreams because the subconscious mind is more open and pliable than our waking mind. What would Solomon have said to God with his awake and “rational” mind? Would he have chosen as wisely? Would he have listened at all? Maybe it took a dream to get Solomon’s attention. What will it take for God to have your attention?

Thought for the day: Is there something that God is speaking about to you? Are you taking it seriously?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.