How Far Will You Go?

For a few weeks, we’re taking a look at “building blocks” for soul growth. Today’s topic is building block “D”, for Decision.

Today’s scripture: Luke 14:25-27 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brent Walsh):

When I was a child, I idolized my father. He was the pastor of a small church in central Illinois and he could do no wrong in my eyes. I would sit in the pew and watch his every move, telling animated stories to illustrate his sermon points. I would imagine myself up there making the same motions and expressions. Surely the crowd would love me just the same as they loved him and laugh at all my clever quips. They would surely wipe tears from their eyes when my inspirational stories touched their souls. My dad was perfect! I wanted to be just like him!

As I grew older, I shifted my focus from my father to my Savior. I studied Jesus’ work on earth and decided that I wanted to be just like him. I paid attention to the teachings of Jesus and strove for a better understanding of what it means to follow Christ. I knew it was more than just reading about Jesus. It was a daily choice to follow his example and do what’s right, focusing less on the temporary and more on the eternal.

When The Passion of the Christ came into theatres, I went with a church group to see it. I left the theatre depressed and on edge. I was a hard movie to watch.

Yet over the next few weeks, I allowed those difficult feelings to turn toward introspection. In all my striving to be like Christ, I had spent more time thinking about his public ministry in the spotlight than on the reason he came in the first place — to offer himself for the sins of the world. I have to admit it was hard to think of him treated so badly in his final days on earth. I do realize that being like Jesus does not necessarily mean we have to bear the weight of the world’s sin on our shoulders or die a torturous death. On the other hand, I know some people (and have been part of this crowd from time to time) who proclaim their discipleship from the mountaintop when things are easy, but then retract it when the going gets a little too difficult.

We say we want to be like Christ, but to what extent? We may not be asked to die, but we are called to live for him. How far will we go for that? Are we willing to withstand some ridicule for our faith? Are we willing to stand up for what we believe, even when it’s not popular? Are we willing to defend the weak and stand up for those with no voice?

Discipleship is not always hard, but it’s also not always easy. It requires commitment and sacrifice. It’s usually our time, our money, and our reputation that are at stake for what we believe. But Jesus says that unless we are willing to give up some things — even relationships with friends or family members — we cannot be true followers of Christ.

Thought for the day: We say we want to be like Christ, but what does that mean? How much like Christ are we really willing to be?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.