
Throughout our entire lives people tell us what they want from us, how we are supposed to behave and what we should and should not do. Sometimes it is for our own benefit, but more often than not it is for the benefit of others. This sermon celebrates a woman in the Bible who refused […]

Thanksgiving For Real People

Ok, enough, already! This is the time of year when we’re supposed to be thankful. But what does that really mean — especially when life can be so gritty? Let’s go beyond superficial platitudes and explore what it looks like for real people living in the real world to live thankfully. Today’s scripture: 1 Thessalonians […]

Live Like You’re Dying

What if today was your last? Have you lived and loved today the way you want? These last few weeks have been a time of sadness and mourning for our church family. But maybe we can gain some valuable life lessons from our recent losses. Some day each of us will breathe our last. Will […]

Living the Reality

Do you ever feel discouraged and overwhelmed by the challenges you face? Like there’s no way out? This Sunday we’ll look at a riveting story from the Old Testament about how someone named named Leah faced — and overcame — her own enormous challenges. There is much we can learn from her powerful example! This […]

Alone In A Great Big World

Do you ever feel that way? Even when surrounded by friends and family, sometimes life’s journey seems terribly isolating. Mother Theresa once said, “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or cancer. It’s the feeling of being uncared for, unwanted — of being deserted and alone.” But it doesn’t have to be that way! This […]

What the Prophets Said About You

So what did angels and prophets say when you were born? Nothing? Think again! This sermon explores how the words of others have shaped our lives (for better or worse) just as profoundly as the words of angels and prophets shaped Jesus’ life. Watch for a Christmas sermon that’s probably unlike any you’ve heard before. […]

Understanding Nothing

How many times do we find ourselves thinking, “This makes no sense! Why is God allowing this to happen?” This sermon explores that question. Perhaps we can free ourselves of the frustration that goes with not understanding. Today’s scripture: Matthew 2:1-2, 7-12 Watch the webcast. Use the player below to listen to this sermon. Right-click […]

Secret Powers

This sermon focuses on those feelings of powerlessness that often overwhelm us. You know the feelings: What makes you think your so special? Take a number and stand in line. From the example of Mary, mother of Jesus, we’ll learn how to overcome powerlessness by tapping into secret powers that God makes available to every […]

The Daily Grind

Life is not very glamorous. Yes, there are occasional bright spots. But most of the time, we have to grind it out. Our work never ends, we’re often tired, people disappoint us, money runs short, our body ages, illness saps our strength, and loneliness hurts. Where’s the joy in that? Where’s the meaning in that? […]


Each of us has been there — you do something terrible that creates a sense of burning shame. You feel devasted. Your mind keeps dragging you back to that terrible place and time. How can we recover from our life’s moral low points? This sermon explores that critical question. If you could use a little […]