Deepening Our Understanding

Building on what we started last week, we want to continue the discussion about racial inequality in our world. Come and join us as we hear stories of those who have experienced bias and what they are asking all of us as a faith family to do about it…for this generation and the next.

The Invisible Knapsack

LifeJourney Church is called to be an advocate for social justice in this world. But what does social justice in 21st century America look like? We’ll take a unique, participatory approach to highlight some possible first steps.

Moving Mountains

This week we continue our mini-series on the “State of the Church” as we explore those things that keep us from living fully into God’s kingdom, both personally and as a church family. What is God calling us to do together? Come, and let us answer that question together. Important note: We regret to inform […]

What is the Word of God?

It’s common for us to throw that phrase around, but what does it really mean? Just what is the Bible and what is it not? Join us this Sunday as we explore the story behind the Bible and examine what just might be the ultimate Word of God.  It might not be what we expect!

Great Expectations

The season of Advent is upon us; it is a time of anticipation for the birth of Christ. There is energy and excitement in the air. All things seem possible. But the season passes us by and nothing seems to change for us. Why are our expectations so different from our reality? Why doesn’t our […]

Images of God

Who is God? What is God? Why does it matter? The Bible gives us multiple images of God; yet, much is at stake in how we image God. In fact, the way we live the Christian life depends largely upon the way we see God. Join us in this sermon that explores those biblical images […]


Throughout our entire lives people tell us what they want from us, how we are supposed to behave and what we should and should not do. Sometimes it is for our own benefit, but more often than not it is for the benefit of others. This sermon celebrates a woman in the Bible who refused […]

Saved to What?

This sermon explores that most loaded of Christian words — salvation. You’ve probably heard a preacher say (or shout), “If you died right now do you know for sure you would you go to heaven, or would you go to hell?” Is that even the right question? Maybe we could ask, “In your life right […]

Christmas Remembrances

Walk with us as we retrace the Christmas story and apply it to our own lives through personal Christmas reflections. Today’s scripture: Luke 1:39-56, and Luke 2:1-7 Watch the webcast, part 1. Watch the webcast, part 2. Watch the webcast, part 3. Use the player below to listen to this sermon. Right-click on the tag […]

Into Africa

“Once upon a time…” is more than just a great opening line, it’s an invitation to learn who we are and who we want to be. Jesus himself was a master storyteller; his stories form the nucleus of our faith. In honor of that sacred tradition, we’ll use stories to light our way as we […]

Salt and Light

Those who follow Jesus are called to bring relief to people in need. It’s one of the most important spiritual responsibilities God gives us. In this sermon we’ll evaluate how we’re doing — celebrating what we’re accomplishing together and anticipating what the future holds. Prepare to be moved! Today’s scripture: Matthew 5:13-16 Watch the webcast. […]

King David: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

David is a beloved Bible hero, known for his bravery, courage, and mercy. He was also an adulterer and murderer. We’ll take a lesson from both the light and shadows. Today’s scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1-16 Watch the webcast. Use the player below to listen to this sermon. Right-click on the tag to download. Having trouble […]

A Personal Declaration of Independence

July 4! A day (in the U.S., at least) for contemplating independence and freedom. With today’s sermon, we’ll consider the nature of independence — not just for our nation, but as individuals, living out our faith. Today’s scripture: Galatians 3:23-26, 29; 4:1-7 Watch the webcast. Use the player below to listen to this sermon. Right-click […]