Knowing Peace In A Stressful World

What causes the greatest stress in your life?

It’s probably something you can’t eliminate, right? Family, job, finances — they’re all essential and can be wonderful, but they also can cause extreme stress. How do we manage that balancing act?

Listen for a service that will lift you up!

The Danger of Religion

This sermon continues our series on “the kingdom of God”.

Jesus tells a parable that compares God’s realm to a great dinner party. And the story has a shocking twist — you’ll be amazed at who attends the party, and who’s left out.

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall

What image do you see when you imagine God?

Images are powerful things. We may say that we understand God to be a God of love and grace, but do we hold on to images of a judgmental, distant, critical God? Are our images more “bully” than “loving creator”?

This sermon looks at some (perhaps surprising) images that are given to us in scripture.

Radical Makeover

We’re continuing our series on “The Kingdom of God”, a term which refers to “any place, any space, where God rules.”

In today’s scripture, Jesus invites us to look at the world from a radically different perspective — one of inclusion and grace, which is certainly not the way the world usually works.

Want to be part of God’s great movement to transform this world? Listen as we explore how that’s done.

Joy at Midnight

We’re continuing to study “The Kingdom of God”, a term which refers to “any place, any space, where God rules.”

Is there any place in your life today where you feel defeated, a victim of circumstances, awaiting the inevitable?

If so, this week’s service is for you.

We look at two gospel passages — a parable, and a healing story — that can give us profound insight for allowing God’s power in to the places where we feel most defeated.

The Secret of Success

This sermon continues our series on “The Kingdom of God”, a term which refers to “any place, any space, where God rules.” it was Jesus’ mission — and should be ours — to usher in the Kingdom of God. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as in Heaven.”

So if that’s our goal, we’d better get really clear on what a space looks like when God becomes ruler. In two parables examined in this sermon, Jesus sketches a picture for us so that we will know what kind of changes should be going for in ourselves, our families, our workplaces, our churches, our world.

The Problem With Planet Earth

Everywhere we look in this world there is brokenness and suffering — but it doesn’t have to be that way.

This sermon begins a new series about “the kingdom of God.” It’s a concept that we see throughout Jesus’ teachings, and it’s not about the afterlife, as you might think. It’s all about bringing the goodness of God to this life, here and now.

Listen as we look at how to turn the world around.

Living the Questions

Last week, we looked at the dialogue between Jesus and Peter after Peter’s betrayal and Jesus’ resurrection. This week, we go deeper.
Just like Peter, we’re on a halting journey of spiritual progress.

And God wants to have a conversation with you and me, just like Jesus had with Peter. It’s a conversation about what’s happening in our life. Are we listening?

Finding Yourself

This sermon looks at the fifth of Five Key Spiritual Habits: discovering and using our spiritual gifts.

According to scripture, God has supernaturally equipped you — not someone else, but you — to do something really important in God’s work here on earth. Take a look at who you are and why God has put you here.

All Hell Done Broke Loose!

We’re honored to welcome Indiana Black Pride and Rev. Delores Berry to Jesus MCC this Sunday! She will be preaching and singing in all three services.

Rev. Berry is an evangelist and vocalist who has been ministering in the MCC for many years. But she’s not just a preacher — she’s also an icon and hero in the GLBT civil rights movement. More details here.

Last Comic Standing

If you’re like most of us, you probably have a stash of unfinished projects. Maybe it’s a drawer, or a closet, or even a garage full!

What about spiritual “projects”? Have any of those that are unfinished? What area of growth has God called you to, that you just haven’t gotten around to finishing?

In this sermon, we’ll learn from the example of Nehemiah, who resolved to accomplish the task that had been given to him.

Who’s the Boss?

Do you control your money, or does it control you?

Next to God, money is perhaps the most powerful thing in the world. It’s like radiation. Used properly, radiation can be used to heal someone of cancer. Used improperly, radiation can give someone cancer.

So what we do with our money is a central issue for our spiritual journeys. This sermon leads us to take a thoughtful look at our money.