Everything Your Heart Desires

Today’s scripture: Psalm 20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Christmas is a time where we can get a little carried away. “I want this” and “I want that.” We can also get carried away with New Year’s resolutions as well. We may say we know better, or think we have outgrown all this, but….Have you ever heard some say (or think to yourself), “When I win the lottery…I’ll give the church 10%.” (I added the ending on that one.)

Do you think that God will provide all your desires? I realize that is such a big question. We have all kinds of desires. Some may only think narrowly about the question but it is very open ended. “God, grant me my desires!” The psalmist then shouts for joy over God’s salvation.

What are your desires? Is it possible that God places desires on our heart? And is it possible that as we grow, those desires change and become more in line with what God desires for us? And what does that have to do with salvation?

Salvation is not just a physical saving, but also spiritual deliverance. Almost like saving us from ourselves! Jesus equated being saved with entering the Realm of God (Matthew 19:24-25). Jesus also says, “The Realm of God is at hand” (Matthew 10:7) and in Luke 17:21 “The Sovereign of God is within you.”

What I take from this is that God’s desires for me will become my desires. As my Faith deepens, God’s saving work will continue to work in me, and will transform me.

Since God knitted us in our mother’s womb, allow that knitting to be the shaping of God’s desires within you. What passions do you have? What skills were you born with? What talents do you have? What desires for others weigh on your mind? I really wanted to be an engineer when I was young because I loved science and math; it was nurtured, and it happened (25 years in the past). God placed on my heart the desire to be a pastor and spiritual director; it was nurtured, and it happened (3 years present).

Allow desires that God has knitted into you to be guided and infused by God. Explore them and nurture what God has placed in you, and your desires will come true!

Prayer for the day: God, grant me this day the desires you want me to have, so my heart is shaped in your way. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.