Today’s scripture: Hebrews 10:32-39 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?
My thoughts (David Zier):
As I read today’s passage, it reminded me of my “earlier days” when I became a Christian. I was a young teenager, but I wanted to be immersed and to absorb all I could. I read the Bible cover to cover, very quickly. I recall not understanding a lot of things, but I was so excited; just the exposure was good enough at the time. I was able to check the boxes and say I read it. I loved to be at the campfire after Sunday evening church with the other kids my age, singing and talking. I probably never comprehended anything about “endurance” when I was young. As a teenager, I can remember thinking how temporary things were; the changes in each school year, new friends, new classes, new challenges, new explorations, and the endless opportunities. My parents were always together no matter what, so that was probably one of my best examples of endurance.
As I read this passage, I hear God reminding me about the endurance, and the commitment, that grows my faith. “Faith” is not just sitting out there, waiting for me to catch up to it. I need to cultivate it, have a relationship with God, do something for others, forgive and be kind, have my quiet time of prayer and study, and be “active” so that my faith grows. Endurance is something that happens through the bad times. I can look back and see bad relationships, being stuck, family issues, illnesses, difficult job situations, and deaths; and I can realize that endurance and commitment has helped me to grow my faith, even when times were tough.
Thought for the day: Is my faith growing? What does commitment and endurance look like for me?
We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.