Our Hero


Today’s scripture: Isaiah 25:6-26:6 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

Most movies for children (and many for adults as well) have a very obvious “bad guy” and an equally obvious “good guy.” Throughout the movie suspense builds as things go from bad to worse for the hero while the evil villain gets his or her way. Just when all hope appears to be lost, a miracle happens and the hero finds a way to win. In the end our hero comes through to save the day!

Then again, there are the occasional films where the hero does not save the day and the evil villain is victorious. In those instances we feel instinctively that the ending was wrong, that things couldn’t have ended up with the villain getting away with evil, somehow there must be justice! We all know intuitively that the hero, the oppressed, the one striving for good should always be the victor, even though it doesn’t always work out that way, or so it seems.

Today’s scripture seems to be saying something like, “take heart, my friends, for though we are downtrodden, despised, abused, and rejected today, tomorrow will tell a different story!” The Moabites were the hostile neighbors to the people of Judah, defeating them in violent wars, plundering their livestock, destroying their sacred spaces. The people of Jerusalem had long been victims; but Isaiah’s prophecy is one of victory against their oppressors, one of freedom from tyranny and persecution. Isaiah prophesies that even when it seems as if all hope is lost, a miracle will occur and God will find a way to save the day. Oppression, brutality, and even death are no match for the divine hero.

Thought for the day: What are the “bad guys” in your life that keep you from feeling truly free? God is just; be patient and trust that your hero will somehow find a way to lead you to freedom and victory.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.