
Beginning today, we will present a four-week series that focuses on the themes of Advent, the Christian season of preparation for Christmas. Each week’s theme corresponds with Sunday’s sermon, which you can view here. Check out this page by Dr. Mark Roberts if you’d like more information about Advent. Have a blessed Advent, and Merry Christmas!

Today’s scripture: 2 Kings 6:8-17 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

During my childhood, I enjoyed playing Peek-a-Boo. I even played it with my dog. I’d gently put my hands over his face as he shut his eyes. Then I’d say, “Where’s Prince? Prince is all gone. I don’t know where Prince is.” The whole time, he’d sit very still and quiet, but keep wagging his tail. Then I’d pull my hands away quickly and he would instantly open his eyes as I said, “There he is! Prince is here again!”

Today’s scripture reminds me of this game in some ways. The prophet Elisha’s spiritual eyes and ears were open to what God wanted to tell him. The spiritual eyes of Elisha’s servant were initially closed, but later opened. The spiritual eyes of Aram’s king never did open. (I find it interesting that one of the king’s officers acknowledged Elisha’s work. Were his spiritual eyes beginning to open?)

Clearly, Elisha had to have been spending time with God in order to learn what God wanted to tell him about the opponent’s actions. Let’s picture the scene for a moment. Was Elisha doing a boastful monologue to God about how great and wonderful he was as he followed a list of rules? I don’t think so; God wouldn’t have had a chance to join in. Was Elisha out partying with fellow God-fearing villagers ‘til the camels came home? I don’t think so; he would’ve been too preoccupied to pay attention to God.

I believe Elisha must have been spending quiet time alone, focusing entirely upon God. Once God knew that Elisha had no distractions to compete for the prophet’s attention, the flow of communication would have no impediments.

I had an experience that today’s scripture brought to mind. During a worship service a few years ago, I was listening to a piece of music and had no thought of the outside world going through my consciousness; the music and its worshipful nature were all that I was aware of. Some people might say I was “totally in the moment.” Suddenly and without any fanfare, I began to see a friend who had passed away more than a year before. She began to slowly materialize at the spot she usually occupied while participating in worship services during her lifetime. She also was playing the instrument which she had previously played. I could even hear the sounds coming from it which also fit in perfectly with the music which was currently going on in the sanctuary.

She continued on during the remainder of the song. As it was winding down, she and her instrument slowly and gently de-materialized. The invisible, yet tangible, sense of supernatural presence which accompanied her appearance slowly faded away as well. During her visit, I experienced more of an intense feeling of calmness than ever before in my entire life.

I’ll always believe that if my spiritual eyes and ears had not been totally focused on God at that moment, I would not have been able to be visited by my sweet friend.

Thought for the day: It’s amazing what God wants to show us — if we simply pay attention.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.