Soul Care Plan 2017 – S(ervice) Block

Today’s scripture: Galatians 5:13-14 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

My dad, Carl, is a very quiet man, he always has been. He never was much for talking because he was always too busy doing.

In his own quiet way my dad has always been a person of service. I remember late nights when church friends would call my dad asking if he could come fix their car, help with a leaky hole in the roof, lift something heavy, drive the church bus, fill in for the song leader at church, or even help out in the nursery. Off he would go spending hours to make sure the job was done well. But never once did I hear my dad talk about all he did in service to others. He never bragged about it and he never complained about it either.

You see, his philosophy was that when you loved someone you wanted to serve them. My dad didn’t have a degree and he didn’t make a lot of money, but that didn’t stop him from making a difference for the people he loved, including his church family. He taught me that love of God and love of others can never be something we just talk about if we want it to be real — we have to live it by willingly giving of ourselves to others and by doing so, also to God.

While my dad never talked much about what he would do for others, I know it made him feel wonderful to serve. A few years ago at my dad’s surprise 70th birthday party, people came out of the woodwork to wish him a happy birthday. Many of those folks he hadn’t seen for decades or more but one after the other they told us that they had to come celebrate with him because of what he had done for their family. “If he hadn’t helped us out that day I don’t know what we would have done”, someone said. Then another person told their story: “Every Sunday when he drove the church bus he would call me up to make sure I was coming. I never got the impression that he called out of obligation but rather, because he really wanted to see me.”  Someone else added, ”My car burst into flames in the parking lot and the only person I could think to call was Carl. I don’t know what I expected him to do, but I knew he would think of something to make the situation better. And he did.” He served others because he loved others.

Thought for the day: Galatians 5:14 tells us “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” What have you done today to show love to your neighbor? What can we do to make 2015 a year of service? Link to the online Soul Care plan —

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.