
Today’s scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Don Clark):

You know the image: Big old white guy with a big flowing snowy beard and angry face, sitting on a cloud with giant thunderbolts in his hand, surrounded by naked fat flying baby angels with wings and harps. Remember that guy? It’s the image of God many of us carry from our childhood. It’s the God who will punish us if we lie, cheat, or steal. Or it’s the deity from the little cartoon tracts that got passed around a few years ago which will show a movie of all the bad things you have done to everybody in heaven on a big screen on judgment day. And we all know what it would show us doing, and it scares the crap out of us. We would try, and try, and try again to do better. Some of us spent our lives trying to appease God by our good deeds and churchy activities. Some of us even went to Bible college and seminary to show God just how dedicated and good and faithful we were. But in reality, we were just shadow boxing with a lack of self-worth, guilt, and shame because our view of what God thought about us was twisted. At some point we might figure out what Paul was saying to the Ephesian church. Are you ready for this? There is really nothing, nothing at all, we can do to save ourselves. Period. The end. If we are to be “saved” at all, it will be because we quit pretending to be good and understand that God loves us. It’s nothing you or I have done, or haven’t done for that matter, that saves us. We merely believe that Jesus Christ has provided a way for us to be in relationship with God by faith. Free! Gratis! No charge! We just say “yes” to the Eternal working for us, through us, and in us to make us God’s masterpiece. It took me many years to appreciate that who I am in Christ is a total gift from God and I can’t DO anything about it!

Prayer for the day: What if I really, really, really decided to relax, let go, and let God be God in my life, and by faith, just simple trust, believe that what God wants for my life is for me to rest in the assurance of God’s grace, love, favor, and forgiveness? Lord, let me rest in the blessed assurance of your grace and favor today, allowing me to be my authentic self as an act of worship and thankfulness to YOU.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.